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Meerkat just opened its platform to third party developers

Meerkat caused a real buzz when it was launched, but the soufflé has fallen since. It's also not his fault, but that of Twitter since it has (re) launched an application that delivers exactly the same functionality: Periscope.

However, the little meerkat has not yet said its last word. As proof, he makes announcements at a furious pace in recent weeks and thus we recently rewarded with an Android application before integrating Facebook into its platform.

He now wants to take the next step in rolling out the red carpet to developers. With coupette champagne bonus.
Meerkat is now a true ecosystem in its own right

Against all odds and when nothing foreshadowed the Meerkat actually took the decision to open its platform to third party developers and publishers. Everyone will thus be able to contribute to enrich the ecosystem by producing services and tools the operator platform.

For now, 37 developers have expressed interest. One of them has even launched another service to obtain detailed statistics on the accounts, Meerkat Stat. Katch, for its part, will give us the ability to recover our cash to send to YouTube. And these are just two examples among many others, of course.

If you control yourself the intricacies of the line of code, then know that the full API is available at: You'll also find instructions that will help you understand the operation of the tool, to start off right.

When Twitter introduced Periscope, I immediately thought that the adventure was finally over for Meerkat. However, with all these ads, I'm not so sure. And you, what do you think?