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Fleur Pellerin wants to deprive pirate sites of advertising revenue

Fleur Pellerin made a written policy to try to deprive pirate sites of advertising revenue.

There long enough, we mentioned an initiative of the White House with web players whose goal was to drain the pirates websites finances by depriving them of advertising revenue.

It seems that at present, France is also planning to test this approach in the fight against piracy.

Indeed, as discussed in a press release from the Ministry of Culture and Communication, "Fleur Pellerin gave missions Julien Neutrals (a senior) for the development of a charter, written in consultation with stakeholders advertising, to commit themselves to a voluntary foreclosure sites do not respect copyright and related rights. "

In essence, the minister plans to cut income sources of pirate sites with this famous charter. Government efforts seem to target streaming sites, direct download sites and SEO sites that "pull profits from the commissioning of works online without pay creators accordingly" or simply, pirate sites .

Also according to the ministry statement, "advertising professionals indicated that they were fully consistent with this goal."

But hard to say whether these measures could actually reduce the incidence of piracy. What is certain is that the repressive measures such as blocking sites have only been very little. Personally, I remain convinced that only the improvement of legal offers will combat piracy effectively.