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Android KitKat captures market share faster

Lollipop is finally here and its updates continue to be programmed. As usual, Google communicates the market share of Android versions such that it has measured on the first day of January. KitKat will soon exceed the 40% market share.

This is a mandatory exercise for Android which allows a clear view of the progress of versions with respect to each other. What we can see is the net growth of Android 4.4 KitKat with nearly 40% market share last month. Android 5.0 Lollipop does not have enough market share to appear in rear developers.

For several months, Google has implemented a fairly strict certification. Google no longer issues GMS certification to devices that come with too old version of Android and since July 31, 2014 the new Android devices must be equipped with Android 4.4 KitKat. This approval from Google that allows for the Google Play services, including all Google applications like Play Store or Gmail.