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Progress Report of ERP Implementation

1. The approach which Finance Consultant has proposed for Cost sheet is accepted by the users. We have shown the report along with the calculation.

User will confirm after testing the report with some more cases.

2. When I took over the costing module the completion status was 28% (14 Sep ) and now it has increased to 68% (Exclusive of Variance and Budget related reports and users internal discussion cases )

3. Gross Margin Report: Small change is to be executed, which is already communicated to OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence) Team.

4. Costing is not lagging behind, just because it has got a interdependence on many other modules, its completion percentage was less.

5. The Costing Plan which is shared by you seemingly doesn’t include the costing UAT (User Acceptance Testing) OLD scenarios. Hence please confirm how to include those into the plan.

Please find enclosed the Costing Scenario’s Excel sheet for your reference.

Variance/ Budget and WIP (Work-in Process) report which will be considered after Go live/ As communicated to us.

Fixed assets and some Scenerios in which discussion needs to be done./ (As instructed by our cost consultant). Pending on Integrated testing and Inter Company related setups.