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Political behavior involves attempts by individuals to influence the behaviors of others

15. Referent power is an individual’s ability to influence others because they respect, admire, or like the person.


16. Expert power is an individual’s ability to influence others because they respect, admire, or like the person.


Expert power is an individual’s ability to influence others’ behaviors because of recognized competencies, talents, or specialized knowledge.

17. For successful organizations, the pattern in the use of the sources of power is shifting toward greater reliance on reward, referent, and expert power and less reliance on coercive and legitimate power.


18. Political behavior means doing whatever it takes to move up in a company.


Political behavior involves attempts by individuals to influence the behaviors of others and the course of events in the organization in order to protect their self-interests, meet their own needs, and advance their own goals.

19. Organizational politics involves actions by individuals, teams, or leaders to acquire, develop, and use power and other resources in order to obtain preferred outcomes.


20. Organizational politics involves attempts by individuals to influence the behaviors of others as a means to protect their self-interests, meet their own needs, and advance their own goals.


Organizational politics involves actions by individuals, teams, or leaders to acquire, develop, and use power and other resources in order to obtain preferred outcomes.