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3 motivational aspects of Goal setting

6. Goal setting has three motivational aspects: goals direct attention, goals regulate effort, and goals increase persistence.


Goal setting has four motivational aspects: goals direct attention, goals regulate effort, goals increase persistence, and goals foster strategies and action programs.

 Motivation Concepts

7. The premise of the goal-setting model is that a goal works as a motivator because it promotes the experience of fairness in workplace interactions.


The premise of the goal-setting model is that a goal works as a motivator because it allows people to compare their present performance with that required to achieve the goal.

Motivation Concepts

8. The premise of the goal-setting model is that a goal works as a motivator because it allows people to compare their present performance with that required to achieve the goal.


9. Goal setting has four motivational aspects: goals direct attention, goals inspire other people, goals increase persistence, and goals are hygiene factors.


Goal setting has four motivational aspects: goals direct attention, goals regulate effort, goals increase persistence, and goals foster strategies and action programs.

10. PPG industries, a Pittsburgh-based paint and glass manufacturer, developed "SMART" goals. The “A” aspect of these goals means attainable.