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Chart of Accounts (COA) issues with ERP Development Team

Attached file contained list of material…that are shown as received during April-2014 in stock report. There is no indication whether it is IDTM (Inter Department Transfer Memo) received or GRN Received. So, Sir please help me to know the actual status of above transactions.

Please include these products for Costing under MIS (Management Information System), in order to close accounting events. Another 2 products are in line of Formulation those I will provide whenever validation team adds in MIS (Management Information System). Thanks in advance.

Regarding Chart of Accounts [COA] we need KPMG's involvement . In COA (Chart of Accounts) we have Natural Account Code, Department/Cost centre ,Location ,Line of Business and Legal Entity. About Natural Account Code we have some observations what we informed to KPMG , like- Salary portion is not yet ready for final COA (Chart of Accounts), we have requirement about Field Force Expenses, Distribution Expenses, Marketing Expenses, General Administration Expenses, International Business Expenses High level those heads are under Profit & Loss Account. Our requirements was Bold Head wise detail Expenses list, cause we will prepare the budget of all those main heads based on detail expenses. So that we requesting you to please take care about our requirement.